Founded by Jon Sachs
Video120 was created by videographer and photographer Jon Sachs. He has decades of experience generating creative visual projects, from videos to photo books.
His interest in recording the stories of older citizens began when he realized how many valuable stories are retained only in the memories of our elders, and how much is lost when they leave us.
If you look at an old family album you may realize that the identity and the stories of the people in those wonderful old photos may be lost. Or there might yet be a parent, grandparent, or uncle who can tell us more.
You can learn more about Jon and his work for MIT, Jonathan Pond, and many others at his website.

One of the goals of Video120 is to make these videos as affordable as possible, without sacrificing quality. Because modern cameras are able to shoot in a wide range of conditions, we can usually work without a large lighting setup.
We use the smallest professional cameras and audio gathering tools so as not to intimidate our interview subjects.
Our cameras are the Sony PXW-X70, the Panasonic GH4, and our audio equipment is Sennheiser.

Boston Based
We are based in the greater Boston area, so travel expense outside that area will have to be added.
Driving time would be calculated at $50 per hour, plus tolls and gas and so forth.
Traveling further; we would create a special budget for plane, hotels, etc. But we are happy to travel anywhere for a family that is interested.

Why 120?
In Genesis 6:3: “And the LORD said: ‘My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for that he also is flesh; therefore shall his days be a hundred and twenty years.'”
This sentiment is still common in Jewish culture on birthdays.
Wikipedia offers this joke: A man says to his noisy neighbor “May you live until 119” and then says to the wife “May you live until 120.” When asked by the husband,”why only until 119?”, the man, who is seeking a bit of quiet says “She deserves one good year.”

Only Senior Citizens?
Not at all! While our first focus has been on preserving the memories of senior citizens, we realize that many people have important stories to tell.
We will work with anyone of any age who has a story to tell.

Are the Videos Public or Private
You can specify whether your videos will be shown to the public or kept private for your family use only. Or you can have some public and others private.

We Are Applying for Grants
We are actively looking for grants to make these videos available to more people and people with limited means, particularly veterans.